Instructions Prayer App

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Download the app ‚Deutschland betet’ (from App Store at Google or Apple).

Deutschland Betet App
Daimler Christen Gebetsapp 1


Click on ‘Meine Anliegen (My concerns)’. You will then see a list of numerous prayer initiatives, but not yet the action ‘Gebet für Daimler (Prayer for Daimler)’ since this action is password protected.


To unlock, please click on the plus sign or the 3 vertically arranged dots on the top right. Then please enter the code (the password), which we send you by mail request.

Now, if you scroll all the way down, you will see the action ‘Gebet für Daimler’ with the following icon:

Daimler Gebetsapp Icon
Daimler Christen Gebetsapp 1


Then please click on ‚Gebet für Daimler‘.


Subscribe to this request by clicking on the green tick or the green plus sign.

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Please click on ‚Auf Dauer abonnieren (Subscribe permanently)’.

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In the future, this concern will always appear at the top of the list under ‘Abonniert (Subscribed)’.

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If you click on ‘Zurückliegende Anliegen (Previous concerns)’, you will receive the past concerns.

Daimler Christen Gebetsapp 8


For example, in this screenshot you see the concern of Monday, 12.11.2018.

Under the menu item ‘Einstellungen (Settings)’ it is recommended to activate the button ‘Benachrichtigungen für neue Anliegen (Notifications for new requests)’.

Under the item ‘Uhrzeit (time of day)’ you can set, at which time of day you want to be made aware of the newly uploaded concerns.

That’s it! Please follow these steps in succession and get in touch with us if you have any problems.
We hope you enjoy using the app!

Greetings and God’s abundant blessing,

Helmut Keller

and team


PS.: Gladly you can send new concrete concerns by mail to the address below, which we will switch live after appropriate testing and filtering.

Christen at Daimler